Some Helpful Bible Study Links:
Bible Study Links
For your Daily Bible Study.
There are many wonderful resources on line to help in the study of The Bible.
Here are some of my favorites and some favorites of our membership

In search of the Lord's Way
Search offers materials for free to those who request booklets and audio CDs. Because Search is a nonprofit ministry, it relies on more than forty volunteers to help mail thousands of requests each month.
What do the scriptures say
What do the scriptures say is a wonderful sight full of opportunities to study the Bible Mike Scott answers Bible Questions while using only the Bible to answer those questions.
The Old Paths Archive®
The Old Paths Archive® electronic library.
A depository of religious articles, sermons, poems, books and theses by members of churches of Christ.
Internet Ministries
Church of Christ Resources & Directory
A Guide to finding Churches of Christ in the USA.
The Restoration Movement
The Restoration Movement (also known as the American Restoration Movement or the Stone-Campbell Movement, is a Christian movement that began on the United States frontier during the Second Great Awakening (1790–1840) of the early 19th century. The pioneers of this movement were seeking to reform the church from within[1] and sought “the unification of all Christians in a single body patterned after the church of the New Testament.”